Ponies At Law the Musical

A macho-man in need of legal assistance on a budget turns turns to the Law Office of Pony & Pony, Ponies at Law to represent him in the case of his life! Leaving his case squarely in the hooves of pony attorneys Tristan and Pascal, the two puppet attorneys struggle to help Juan find his legal solution while getting to the bottom of their own personal problems. The Ponies’ adversary in court, Louise, is a woman on the brink. Devastatingly brilliant, but rigid to a fault, Louise struggles to define herself as a woman, and to be taken seriously in the legal community. No pony will get in her way of legal domination. Whether having a runaway office love affair with a sexy Muse of Art, or trying to assimilate into a world of people, or grappling with modern feminism, the problems Ponies at Law tackle are universal to us all. Find out how you can catch the excitement!
Music composed by Brian Katona
Lyrics: Brian Katona / Cara Parmigiani
Writer: Cara Parmigiani
Tristan: Kane Prestenback
Pascal: Daniel Fay
Louise: Trista Moldovan
Juan: Ryan Bauer-Walsh
Listen to our music on SoundCloud
Music composed by Brian Katona
Lyrics: Brian Katona / Cara Parmigiani
Writer: Cara Parmigiani
Tristan: Kane Prestenback
Pascal: Daniel Fay
Louise: Trista Moldovan
Juan: Ryan Bauer-Walsh
Listen to our music on SoundCloud